Friday, January 27, 2012

latte and laptop

Yesterday afternoon was the second gathering of an informal local sketch group, this time at a coffee spot in Port Townsend.  Graphite on paper.


Elsbeth McLeod said...

So cool, Roger, we sketched the same guy, slightly different angles. I like the glow of the lamp to his right. Also like the depth of the room beyond the archway.

Marian Morris said...

This guy is so cute- he looks European, maybe Austrian, and from the 1930's if it weren't for the laptop. Nice use of lines and shading- the whole sketch works together and has a distinct stye.

Roger Morris said...

Thanks! It's a rough style but I like it that way. His daypack is just a pile of dark scribbles! I'm glad I caught a view of the barrel in the back storeroom before they closed the door.

Elsbeth McLeod said...

The scribble style gives the impression of activity in the midst of stillness. A really exciting method! Vibrant.

Anonymous said...

What a great sketch. The atmosphere is so convincing. I especially like the lamp and the stuff on the floor.

Roger Morris said...

Thanks! Scribbling may be my forte. And I was always so neat as a kid...